
Pyinter is a python interval library which deals with interval arithmetic and sets of intervals (discontinuous ranges).

Interval Class

class pyinter.Interval

Instances of Interval provide the following operations:

Standard comparison operators: <=, <, ==, !=, >, >=

Note: comparison is performed solely on the lower value of the Interval.

x in i

Tests x to see if it is in the range specified by the Interval i.

interval | other

Performs interval union just as union()


Returns a new Interval representing the intersection of this Interval with the other Interval

interval & other

Performs interval intersection just as intersect()

interval + other

Performs interval union just as union()


Returns a new Interval or an IntervalSet representing the union of this Interval with the other Interval.

If the two intervals are overlaping then this will return an Interval, otherwise this returns an IntervalSet.

interval - other

Performs interval difference just as difference()


Returns a new Interval or an IntervalSet representing the subtraction of this Interval with the other Interval.

The result will contain everything that is contained by the left interval but not contained by the second interval.

If the other interval is enclosed in this one then this will return a IntervalSet, otherwise this returns a Interval.


Interval Construction helpers

pyinter.interval.closed(lower_value, upper_value)

Helper function to construct an interval object with closed lower and upper.

For example:

>>> closed(100.2, 800.9)
[100.2, 800.9]
pyinter.interval.closedopen(lower_value, upper_value)

Helper function to construct an interval object with a closed lower and open upper.

For example:

>>> closedopen(100.2, 800.9)
[100.2, 800.9), upper_value)

Helper function to construct an interval object with open lower and upper.

For example:

>>> open(100.2, 800.9)
(100.2, 800.9)
pyinter.interval.openclosed(lower_value, upper_value)

Helper function to construct an interval object with a open lower and closed upper.

For example:

>>> openclosed(100.2, 800.9)
(100.2, 800.9]

IntervalSet Class

class pyinter.IntervalSet(iterable=None)

A class to hold collections of intervals, otherwise known as discontinuous ranges


Add an Interval to the IntervalSet by taking the union of the given Interval object with the existing Interval objects in self.

This has no effect if the Interval is already represented. :param other: an Interval to add to this IntervalSet.


Subtract an Interval or IntervalSet from the intervals in the set.


Returns a new IntervalSet which represents the intersection of each of the intervals in this IntervalSet with each of the intervals in the other IntervalSet. :param other: An IntervalSet to intersect with this one.


Returns a new IntervalSet which represents the union of each of the intervals in this IntervalSet with each of the intervals in the other IntervalSet :param other: An IntervalSet to union with this one.

Indices and tables